We welcome seekers from all walks of life for honest reflection on life’s most profound questions about faith and spirituality.
Why Does God Hate Me? His Surprising Answer
When God feels distant or cruel, discover the truth about His heart. From tears to triumph, understand why He’s closer than you think.
How to Hear God’s Voice: Even When You Think He Is Silent
‘My sheep hear my voice’ – but how? Stop straining to hear God’s voice. He’s speaking—here’s how to listen.
Why Jesus Asked 307 Questions and Only Answered 3
Explore why Jesus, who knew all answers, chose to ask 307 questions while directly answering only 3, revealing deep truths about us.
Why Does God Hide? Wrestling with Divine Hiddenness
Have you ever wondered why God sometimes feels distant, even when we’re desperately seeking Him? Why would a loving God hide from us?…
Top 5 Arguments for God’s Existence That Will Challenge Your Worldview
The most compelling arguments for God’s existence, from the cosmos to consciousness, challenging anyone who isn’t sure about God.
If God is Good, Why Do We Suffer? A Surprising Answer
If God is truly good, why does He allow so much pain and suffering in the world? Let’s tackle some profound questions about…
Beyond Good and Evil: How The Moral Law Proves God Exists
Think of moral law as the unwritten rules that help us figure out what’s right and wrong in life. It’s like a guide…
Good Enough For Heaven? The Truth May Shock You
What if I spent my life thinking I was doing the right things, confident that I was “good enough” for heaven, only to…
Are You Sure About Heaven? The Question Worth Asking
Deep down, many of us sense there’s something beyond the here and now, something greater awaiting us on the other side of this…
Your Truth or Mine? The Shocking Reality
Are we witnessing the collapse of the bridges that connect human minds and hearts? Let’s explore.